About HCDC's Chair
Alsúin Creighton-Preis
As an immigrant from Dublin, Ireland and a naturalized citizen of the U.S, it has been one of the honours of my life to serve on the Executive Committee of the Henrico County Democratic Committee. I have seen first-hand how much progress we have made in the last few years and I’m proud and thankful to have been a small part of it.
As Chair, I look forward to continuing that progress and doing my very best to help fundraise so we can provide the infrastructure and support that our Democratic candidates and electeds will need to keep Henrico blue. Helping to recruit and build a deep bench of diverse and thoughtful voices from across the county is deeply important to me and I look forward to partnering with Committee members to spread the Democratic mission throughout Henrico.
Apart from my role within the HCDC, I’m a graduate of the National University of Ireland, the Reynolds Nursing programs, and most recently received a Professional Certificate in Political Campaign Management from the University of Richmond. I spend a lot of time wrangling my three children ranging in age from 10-20, reading, and listening to The Cure.