About HCDC's Assistant Secretary

S. Prescott Harris ll, Assistant Secretary
A decorated campaign strategist with wide-ranging national experience, S. Prescott specializes in campaign management, issue advocacy, messaging, data-driven organizing, stakeholder engagement, fundraising, and strategic counsel.
S. Prescott has held leadership positions for a number of Democratic state parties, advised on local, state and national campaigns, and served on five (5) presidential campaign’s organizing key stakeholders, and constituencies across the nation.
Prior to 2008, for over a decade S. Prescott led client service teams for Fortune 500 corporations in several industries such as insurance, financial services, hospitality, and telecommunications in both the United States and abroad.
He has completed studies in Executive Education at Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government. In addition, to completing studies in African-American Studies and Economics at Yale University.
S. Prescott is a member of the United Nations Volunteer Programme, the Harvard Club of Washington D.C., Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and Rotary International.